, by Jarno Heideman How to make a Cat6 cable?
The internet is almost indispensable in our current time. Many actions now take place online. From tax returns to operating the lighting in your home....
, by Jarno Heideman How do I connect a Cat6 cable?
To connect an internal network as stable as possible, Cat6 cables are often used. It is possible to connect a Cat6 cable yourself. These cables...
, by Jarno Heideman What is the difference between Cat 6 and Cat 7?
Nowadays, more and more electronic devices need to be connected to the internet. That is why it is very important to have everything in your...
, by What is a 'LSZH' network cable?
LSZH stands for Low Smoke, Zero Halogen. LSZH network cables have a fire-resistant outer sheath. This provides safety in emergency situations in the office and...
, by What is a 'PiMF' network cable?
PiMF is an abbreviation of the English 'Pair In Metal Foil'. It is better known by the abbreviation U/FTP (Unshielded/Foiled Twisted Pair). So it is...
, by What is a Cat cable and what variants are there?
If you read 'Cat' on a cable, it means 'Category'. The number behind the 'Cat' indicates the quality of the cable, in terms of speed,...
, by What is UTP Straight?
UTP straight cable is the most common network cable, intended for connecting a desktop computer to a modem, for example. The 'straight' thing about the...
, by What is ethernet and an ethernet cable?
Ethernet is the system that allows computers to communicate with each other and the Internet, via a (wired/LAN, or wireless/WAN) network. This network standard is...
, by What is LAN and a LAN Cable?
LAN is an abbreviation of 'Local Area Network', a LAN cable is the connection between computers, printers, switches, etc., creating a network (LAN). LAN (and...
, by What does MHz mean for a network cable?
Network cables come in all shapes and sizes. Such a wide range is of course nice, but how do you know which one you need?...
, by What is a UTP cable?
The Internet is becoming an increasingly important part of our lives; more and more things are done online. For a stable (home) network, it is...
, by Jarno Heideman Cat6, Cat6a or Cat7: what's the difference?
Products that belong to this article: [button] cat6 cables [/button] [button] cat6a cables [/button] [button] cat7 cables [/button] Cat6, Cat6a and Cat7 are all three...